Creating a Cloud Edition Account (Exchange + Salesforce)

Cloud Edition is based on a tiered hierarchy to enable companies to set specific sync and access settings for various groups of users. When getting started, each company should create one Organization account for all of its users. If you are an individual user, you can create an Organization for yourself. In this section, you will learn how to sign up for and access Cloud Edition to create a new account.

Additional Resources: Learn more about tiered hierarchy in the Working with Hierarchy and Permissions section of this User Guide.


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Creating a Cloud Edition Account

Step_1 Visit, and select the Register link.


Step_2 Enter your information in the User Information fields.


Tip_Web Tip: Cloud Edition currently supports integration only for Exchange and Salesforce users. You will not need to make a Choose Your Integration selection to move forward.


Tip: If you are setting up Cloud Edition for a larger organization, be sure to use the credentials for the person who will serve as your Admin.

Step_3 Click the Sign Up button when you are finished entering the required information.


Step_4 Check your email and locate the message with the subject line Welcome to LinkPoint Connect: Please confirm your account. Select the link provided in the email to confirm your account.

Enter a password for your Cloud Edition account in the Password and Confirm Password fields for the Connect Setup wizard, and click Submit.

Tip: Your password must contain a minimum of 8 characters.


Tip: The initial user on every new Cloud Edition account is created as an Administrator. Admins can then choose to set up other users on their account with specific Profiles.

Select a Salesforce Login URL from the drop-down list.



Tip: The default setting is Standard. You will want to use this option unless:


  • You are testing with a Salesforce Sandbox or Test account. In this case, select Sandbox/Test.
  • You are using a custom URL to access Salesforce as defined by your organization. In this case, select Custom and enter the URL details.

If you are unsure which option to select, check with your internal Salesforce admin.

Click Connect.


Tip: You may need to allow pop-up windows in your web browser from

Enter your Salesforce credentials. This may automatically process if you are already logged into Salesforce.

Click Allow to permit LinkPoint360 to access your Salesforce account.


Tip: A Connection Status of Ready is displayed once the Salesforce account is connected.


Select an Exchange Connection Type and authenticate your account. If you select Office_365, you will be prompted to log in via the web browser. If you select Manual, you will need to enter your Username and Password into the fields provided.


Tip: Some organizations configure their Exchange environments to block autodiscover connections. To troubleshoot, select the Manual option for Connection Type. Then select the Advanced checkbox and deselect the option to Use Exchange Autodiscover Service? Enter the Exchange Web Service URL and Exchange Version for your environment. This can be provided to you by your internal IT admin.


Tip: A Connection Status of Ready is displayed once the Exchange account is connected.


Click the My Settings button to proceed to your sync settings configuration.


Warning: The Exchange Connection Type selected by the Admin when first creating a Cloud Edition account is set as the default value for all subsequent users. If an Admin changes their Exchange Connection Type at the User level at a later time, existing users will retain the original setting but all subsequent users will inherit the new selection as their default value.



Download_WebDownload: Access the complete LinkPoint Connect: Cloud Edition (Exchange + Salesforce) User Guide in .pdf format. Get the User Guide

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