A Profile is the third level of a Cloud Edition hierarchy, falling under a Subscription. Profiles are groupings of Users who have access to Cloud Edition. An Admin can choose to group all Users under the existing default Profiles (Admin and Standard User) or to create new Profiles to organize Users based specific criteria. Examples include creating Profiles for groups of employees by department (i.e. Sales, Marketing), by division or team (i.e. EMEA Team, NA Team), or by existing workflow permissions (i.e. all users who can calendar sync, all users who are not allowed to calendar sync). Profiles can also be configured to mirror profiles already established within Salesforce. Profiles inherit any default or locked settings established on the Organization and/or Subscription levels. Any settings configured for a Profile will impact the Users added to it. In this section, you will learn how to edit an existing Profile.
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Editing a Profile
Log into Cloud Edition and select Profiles from the top navigation.
Select the Edit link to the left of a Profile Name.
Tip: You can also edit a Profile by navigating to a specific Profile page and selecting the Edit link under the Profile name.
Update the name of the Profile as needed.
Deselect the Active checkbox to disable the Profile. This will deactivate all of the Users in the Profile, preventing them from syncing data or counting toward a Subscription License Seat Count. Select the Active checkbox to enable a Profile and allow those users to access Cloud Edition.
Click Save to confirm the changes and then close the Edit Profile window.
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